Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day One <3

I guess I started all of this to help motivate myself, and everyone else out there. I wouldn't consider myself a 100% raw foodist, so I don't label myself as that. Some days I get off track...and this can sometimes happen for weeks. Last summer (2008) I was eating McDonalds at least twice a week, the Big Mac meal was my ultimate favourite. Then earlier this year (2009) I became aware of raw foodism through my boyfriend Sandro who showed me Gabriel Cousens' video Raw for 30 Days. We were both curious of what raw foodism was, and soon found out that it had so many health benefits, and since then we've been experimenting. I am now on a vegetarian diet, but not what I would label a vegetarian because I still believe in eating free run eggs. I guess you could say that I just don't believe in labels, or definitions of yourself. Eckhart Tolle (the author of A New Earth, a must read) said:

"give up defining yourself - to yourself or to others.
you wont die. you will come to life.
and dont be concerned with how others define you. when they define you, they are limiting themselves, so its their problem."
So lately I've been applying this quote to my life on a daily basis. Its a good reminder to stop labeling yourself and those around it truly does limit us. So am I a raw foodist? Not quite...maybe 85% of my daily diet. Am I a vegetarian? Mostly. Am I open to change and new information? Always.

Anyways, I think that this journey I've been on is all a part of being human, its a learning process, two steps forward one step back. I guess you can say that I'm aspiring to become as healthy, natural, happy and intelligent as I can be in this lifetime, and this is where I feel I can take my first steps.

And so here is where you will find
recipes of my creations (of meals, desserts, products and remedies),
my motivations (quotes, books),
my thoughts (sometimes pointless yet surely entertaining),
& my knowledge.

Starting today,
Live - Love - Raw

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